Thursday, February 15, 2024 · 15 min read

Understanding JSON Schema Lexical and Dynamic Scopes

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Juan Cruz Viotti

Most of the keywords defined by the JSON Schema organization can be either evaluated on their own, or by only considering the values of their adjacent keywords. For example, the type keyword is independent of any other keywords, while the additionalProperties keyword depends on the properties and patternProperties keywords defined in the same schema object.

If you want to learn more about keyword dependencies, check out the Static Analysis of JSON Schema article by Greg Dennis.

However, there is a small set of keywords whose evaluation depend on the scope they are in. These keywords are $ref, $dynamicRef, unevaluatedItems, and unevaluatedProperties. Additionally, there is also a set of keywords that affect the scope they are declared in. These keywords are $id, $schema, $anchor, and $dynamicAnchor.

JSON Schema defines two types of scopes for the purpose of URI resolution: the lexical scope and the dynamic scope. Understanding how these scopes work is essential for mastering some of the most advanced (and often confusing!) features of JSON Schema, such as dynamic referencing.

Schema Resources

Before we jump into lexical and dynamic scopes, lets review some JSON Schema fundamentals.

The $id keyword defines the URI of a schema. While this keyword is typically set at the top level, any subschema may declare it to distinguish itself with a different URI. For example, the following schema defines 4 identifiers, some relative and some absolute:

A JSON Schema with multiple identifiers

In JSON Schema parlance, we say that the $id keyword introduces a new schema resource, and that the top level schema resource is referred to as the root schema resource.

Consider the following example. This schema consists of 3 schema resources, each highlighted using a different color: the root schema resource (red), the schema resource at /properties/foo (blue), and the schema resource at /properties/bar (green). Note that the subschema at /properties/baz is part of the root schema resource, as it does not introduce a new identifier:

A JSON Schema that consists of 3 schema resources

Note that children schema resources are not considered part of the parent schema resource. For example, in the previous figure, or are separate schema resources and not part of the root schema resource, despite their structural relationship.

Schemas as Directed Graphs

JSON Schema is a recursive data structure. In the context of schema resources, this means that a schema resource may introduce nested schema resources (like we saw on the previous section) and use referencing keywords (like $ref) to point to external schema resources, creating a directed graph of schema resources.

Consider the following example. In the top left, a root schema resource named that declares a nested schema resource named (at /properties/bar) and references an external schema resource named (from /properties/foo/$ref). In the bottom left, a root schema resource named that references a nested schema resource called (from /items/$ref). On the right, a directed graph representation of the relationship between these schema resources:

Thinking of a JSON Schema as a directed graph

As you will see, thinking of a schema as a directed graph of schema resources greatly helps in understanding both lexical and dynamic scopes.

Lexical Scope

Under the graph analogy from the previous section, the lexical scope of a schema consists of the node being evaluated. In other words, the lexical scope of a schema consists of the entire schema resource to which it belongs.

Consider the following sequence of examples. On the left, a JSON Schema with a single nested schema resource. On the right, the corresponding directed graph representations for the root schema resource called and the nested schema resource called At each step of the evaluation process, we gray out the parts of the schema and of the directed graph that are not part of the lexical scope.

The evaluation process starts with the top level schema. The lexical scope at that point is the root schema resource, and the nested schema resource is out of scope.

The lexical scope of a JSON Schema (1)

Then, we enter the properties applicator, and if the instance defines a firstName property, we get into the subschema at /properties/firstName. This subschema is part of the root schema resource (as it does not declare its own identifier), so the lexical scope remains the same as the previous step.

The lexical scope of a JSON Schema (2)

Finally, if the instance defines a lastName property, we follow the properties applicator into the subschema at /properties/lastName. This subschema defines a new schema resource, so the lexical scope at this point is the nested schema resource, and the root schema resource is out of scope.

The lexical scope of a JSON Schema (3)

Note that by definition, the lexical scope of any subschema can be statically determined without taking instances into account, just as we did here.

Lexical Scope and Anchors

As another practical example, consider the $anchor keyword that defines a location-independent identifier for a schema. This keyword not only affects the schema object it is defined in, but also its lexical scope. This is why declaring the same anchor identifier more than once in the same schema resource is an error (a clash in the lexical scope), while it is possible to declare the same anchor identifier on different schema resources (as the lexical scopes are different):

Example of anchors within and across lexical scopes

Following References

When the evaluation process encounters a reference keyword, it abandons the lexical scope of the reference schema and enters the lexical scope of the destination schema.

If the reference points to a subschema within the same schema resource, the lexical scope remains the same. Coming back to the graph analogy, each node represents a schema resource, so the evaluation process remains at the same node. However, if the reference points to a subschema on a different schema resource, the schema resource of the destination becomes the new lexical scope. In the graph analogy, the evaluation process follows an arrow to another node.

Within Schema Resources

In the following example, the reference at /items/$ref points to /$defs/person-name. The destination schema is part of the same schema resource (the root schema resource), so the lexical scope remains the same:

Lexical scope after following a reference within the same resource

Across Schema Resources

Now consider the following sequence of examples. On the left, a JSON Schema called with a nested schema resource (at /$defs/timestamp) and a reference to an external schema called (from /anyOf/1/$ref). On the right, the corresponding directed graph representations of the root schema resource, the nested schema resource, and the external schema resource. Like before, at each step of the evaluation process, we gray out the parts of the schema and of the directed graph that are not part of the lexical scope.

The evaluation process starts with the top level schema. The lexical scope at that point is the root schema resource, and both the nested schema resource and the external schema resource are out of scope:

Lexical scope after following a reference accross resources (1)

Then, we enter the first branch of the anyOf logic applicator and follow the reference at /anyOf/0/$ref (highlighted in red) into /$defs/timestamp. This subschema has its own identifier, so the lexical scope becomes the nested schema resource and both the root schema resource and the external schema resource go out of scope:

Lexical scope after following a reference accross resources (2)

Finally, we go back to the root schema resource, enter the second branch of the anyOf logic applicator, and follow the remote reference at /anyOf/1/$ref (highlighted in red) into This external schema is by definition a separate schema resource. Therefore, it becomes the new lexical scope. This time, both the root schema resource and its nested schema resource are out of scope:

Lexical scope after following a reference accross resources (3)

Dynamic Scope

To recap, the lexical scope of a schema consists of its enclosing schema resource. In comparison, the dynamic scope of a schema consists of the stack of schema resources evaluated so far. Coming back to our analogy of a schema as a graph, the dynamic scope corresponds to the ordered sequence of nodes that were visited by the evaluation process.

Consider the following sequence of examples. In the top left, a root schema resource named that declares two nested schema resources: (at /properties/name) and (at /properties/age). In the bottom left, an example instance that successfully validates against the schema. Note that the instance does not declare the age optional property. On the right, a directed graph representation of the relationship between these schema resources. Similar to how we did before, we gray out the parts of the schema and of the directed graph that are not part of the dynamic scope.

The evaluation process starts with the top level schema. The dynamic scope at that point is the root schema resource, and the nested schema resources are out of scope. So far the lexical and dynamic scope align:

The dynamic scope of a JSON Schema (1)

Because the instance defines a name property, we enter the properties applicator into the subschema at /properties/name. This subschema introduces a new schema resource. Therefore, the dynamic scope now consists of both the root schema resource and the nested schema resource called, in order:

The dynamic scope of a JSON Schema (2)

In comparison to the lexical scope, the dynamic scope of a schema cannot always be statically determined, as the evaluation path often depends on the instance. For example, for schemas that make use of logic applicator keywords such as if or oneOf, the ordered sequence of schema resources in scope may vary depending on the characteristics of the instance.

Following References

So far, we've learned that for the lexical scope, following a reference consists of abandoning the lexical scope of the origin schema and entering the lexical scope of the destination schema. In comparison, for the dynamic scope, following a reference to another schema resource involves retaining the current dynamic scope and pushing the destination schema resource to the top of the stack.

Within Schema Resources

Just like with the lexical scope, if a reference points to a subschema within the same schema resource, the dynamic scope remains the same. In other words, if the destination schema resource is the same as the schema resource at the top of the stack, the dynamic scope is not modified. Therefore, until the evaluation process encounters a reference to another schema resource (either local or remote), the lexical scope and the dynamic scope align:

Dynamic scope and lexical scopes sometimes align

Across Schema Resources

Leaving the simple case behind, lets consider an example consisting of local and remote references across schema resources. In the top left, an example instance and a root schema resource named that declares two nested schema resources: (at /properties/name) and (at /$defs/person) where the former references the latter (from /properties/name/$ref). Furthermore, references an anchored schema called item (from /$defs/person/$ref) that is part of an external schema resource called shown in the bottom left. On the right, a directed graph representation of the relationship between these schema resources and the dynamic scope.

Like the other examples so far, the evaluation process starts with the top level schema. The dynamic scope at that point is the root schema resource, and all other schema resources are out of scope:

The dynamic scope and remote references (1)

Because the instance defines a name property, we enter the properties applicator into the subschema at /properties/name. This subschema introduces a new schema resource. Therefore, the dynamic scope now consists of (the root schema resource) followed by (the nested schema resource at /properties/name):

The dynamic scope and remote references (2)

The schema resource references the other nested schema resource: After following this reference, the dynamic scope now consists of (the root schema resource), followed by (the nested schema resource at /properties/name), followed by (the nested schema resource at /$defs/person):

The dynamic scope and remote references (3)

Now comes an interesting case. We are currently evaluating the nested schema resource called This schema resource points to the remote schema called (the people part of the people#item URI reference), but does not land at its root. Instead, it lands at the subschema in /items (where the item anchor from the people#item URI reference is located). This subschema is part of the root schema resource, so the dynamic scope now consists of (the root schema resource), followed by (the nested schema resource at /properties/name), followed by (the nested schema resource at /$defs/person), followed by

The dynamic scope and remote references (4)

The Dynamic Scope as a Stack

At the beginning of this section, we said that the dynamic scope of a schema consists of the stack of schema resources evaluated so far. However, our examples so far only considered pushing schema resources to the top the of stack.

In traditional programming languages, program execution typically involves procedures calling other procedures, creating what is referred to in Computer Science as a call stack. Eventually, a procedure will not call any other procedures. When such leaf procedures finish executing, the call stack will unwind (a pop operation) and control will return to the caller frame.

If you are having trouble understanding the previous paragraph, you might enjoy watching Call Stacks - CS50 Shorts by Harvard University.

The JSON Schema dynamic scope works in the same way. At some point, a schema resource will not reference any other schema resource. Then, the dynamic scope will unwind, popping the last schema resource from the stack.

Consider the following sequence of examples. In the top left, a root schema resource named that makes use of the if, then, and else logic applicators to check whether a positive integer is even or odd and produce a corresponding title annotation. Note that each subschema is a separate schema resource: (at /if), (at /then), and (at /else). In the bottom left, the even integer instance 42. On the right, a directed graph representation of the relationship between these schema resources and the dynamic scope.

As usual, the evaluation process starts with the top level schema. The dynamic scope at that point is the root schema resource, and all other schema resources are out of scope:

The dynamic scope as a stack (1)

Next, we enter the if applicator that checks whether the integer instance is even or odd. This subschema declares a new schema resource called, which is pushed onto the stack. Therefore the dynamic scope consists of followed by

The dynamic scope as a stack (2)

The nested schema resource does not reference any other schema resource. When the evaluation process completes and determines that the instance is an even integer, the stack unwinds, the schema resource is popped, and the evaluation process returns to the root schema resource. Therefore the dynamic scope is back to just

The dynamic scope as a stack (3)

Because the if subschema successfully validated the instance, we enter the then applicator. This subschema declares a new schema resource called, which is pushed onto the stack. Therefore the dynamic scope consists of followed by

The dynamic scope as a stack (4)

Like before, the nested schema resource does not reference any other schema resource. Therefore, the evaluation process returns once more to the root schema resource, the dynamic scope is back to just, and the evaluation process completes:

The dynamic scope as a stack (5)


Understanding how static and dynamic scopes work is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of JSON Schema. The most important points to remember are summarized in the following table:

Comparison Point Lexical Scope Dynamic Scope
Definition Consists of the schema resource being evaluated Consists of the stack of schema resources evaluated so far
Determining the scope Can be statically determined without taking instances into account Cannot always be statically determined. It may vary depending on the instance
Following references Consists of abandoning the lexical scope of the origin schema and entering the lexical scope of the destination schema Consists of pushing the destination schema resource to the top of the dynamic scope stack

In a future post, we will build on top of the concepts introduced in this article to demystify how dynamic referencing ($dynamicRef and $dynamicAnchor) works.

If you enjoyed this content and want to put your JSON Schema skills into practice in the data industry, check out my O'Reilly book: Unifying Business, Data, and Code: Designing Data Products using JSON Schema. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

Image by Christina Morillo from Pexels.